Mermaid Powers
Upon becoming a mermaid, you may unlock the ability to some amazing powers. Most merpeople have the ability to control water, but it also possible to
learn or obtain new powers.
Hydrokinesis - Hydrokinesis is the ability to mold or shape water. You can start by making water flow out of a cup, or bending the water in your sink. If the power becomes so intense, you may be able to create tidal waves, and make water "snakes." From personal experience, creating water ripples is tell tale sign you have an affinity for Hydrokinesis. The key to this power, is to not think toooo hard. Try, just thinking what you want it to do, don't strain your eyes. Remember, the hand motion that Cleo is using isn't necessarily the one that works best for you, for me I use Rikki's.
Cryokinesis - Cryokinesis is the ability to freeze water. Also being able to drop the air temperature in the room, by freezing the moisture.
The upgraded power of this, (which can be obtained by the Full Moon) is the ability to create blizzards or snow storms. Again, the hand motion Emma uses may not be the one for you, always try out different hand motions when practicing.
Thermokinesis - Thermokinesis is the ability to heat or boil water. Not only can you boil solid water, but you can make the water (blood!) in HUMANS boil too. You can make them sweat, or dry them out. This power comes in handy when wanting to dry yourself off, BUT, it is also the most dangerous power, use with caution. The upgraded version of this is Pyrokinesis, which is the ability to manipulate fire. This requires more focus to do, and can be achieved with a bit more anger, so be careful when your pissed.

Gelidkinesis - Gelidkinesis is the ability to change water into a jelly like substance. If compressed enough, you can turn the water into a solid and make it explode! This power, you can also turn other liquids into jelly, not just water. I've heard stories of girls turning milk into jelly too.

Aerokinesis - This is the ability to create gusts of wind via hand motions or your mind. Like most powers, it heightens when your angry. Below is a gorgeous gif of Charlotte from H20 using aerokinesis.

Aquamelikinesis - The ability to turn water into a solid and to turn it blue. The water stays blue in solid or liquid. You can also manipulate the tastes of water.

Siren Singing - Mermaids have been known to have the most beautiful voices in the world. Some mermaids possess the power of siren singing, the ability to sing enchantingly.
Atmoskinesis - The ability to manipulate the weather with your mind. With this, rain, lightning, tornados can be manipulated.
Psychic Powers - The ability to see the future/past through visions.
Psammokinesis - The ability to manipulate sand and mud. ( Sort of like Geokinesis, which is able to manipulate earth )
Biokinesis - The ability to change the genetic makeup of an organism via your mind. People with this ability also have an easier time shifting.
Telekinesis - the Ability to move an object with your mind. I found this little video clip below really cool. He's basically moving a pen cap with his mind. This probably requires a lot of meditation and focus.

Hi Jessii. I have a question, can one possesse all, or most, of these abilities. I mean, like all abilities at one time.
ReplyDeleteProbably not! You should focus on learning one or two at a time since these are very hard to master. you can potentially get them all but it would take MANY years.
DeleteHow do you get the powers any tips?
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know you either can't really get powers, or it's extremely difficult