

A moonpool is said to be a special body of water that during a full moon, can transform a human into a mermaid. But, a moon pool can be any body of water that the moon hits. And if you know how to create one, you can even make it your own back yard hot tub. The myth is, if you go in a moon pool during a full moon, you will earn your powers. Though this myth has never been confirmed true, a moon pool is still a hot spot destination for any mermaid.
   Moon pools while widely known to exist, are also very hard to find. One does not simply google moonpool and get one without doing a little digging. So I, at my laptop, at 8 in the morning with my Max Brenner Milkshake by my side, have decided to search moonpools for you all.


  1. can you face time me or call me and give me lessons on how to do the shifting and the powers

  2. my number is 9808599942

  3. Good tip, you can go to a moon pool in Ireland and Braavos
